3D Character Models for Game and Animation


Posts tagged freelance artist
Making Art Services Simple and Easy with Memberships

Choosing services for art and design can be overwhelming, especially for individuals who are not artists or art directors. Navigating the industry and comprehending the array of services offered can pose a challenge. From 3D art creation to commissioned artwork, game development studios to individuals seeking top-notch art, understanding the options and pricing can be bewildering. That's where our memberships come into play. We provide a simplified approach to streamline the process of purchasing freelance and outsourcing services, making it easy and efficient.

Our memberships offer a straightforward solution for accessing high-quality art services without any hassle. We comprehend that different clients have varying requirements, which is why we offer three tiers of memberships: Standard, Pro, and Premium.

The Standard Membership is perfect for small game studios or individuals in need of a limited amount of high-quality art services. It allows for precise targeted art creation or remastering of specific items. With ease, you can access a wide range of services, from concept design and 3D sculpting to commissioning fan art. This membership level is ideal for startups or individuals with budget constraints but still desiring access to exceptional art.

The Pro Membership is tailored for individuals, companies, or studios requiring more extensive tasks. The pricing, value, and flexibility of this tier are well-suited for those in need of fully created 3D models for games and animations. Additionally, it caters to key art illustrations and graphic novel sequences. The Pro Membership presents an excellent option due to its flexibility and milestone tracking.

For those needing multiple and extensive art services or requiring rigging and animation for their projects, the Premium Membership is the optimal choice. Alongside art visual development and direction, this membership is designed for individuals seeking a deeper level of art service and a guarantee of top-quality work.

Understanding art services may seem daunting, but with our memberships, it doesn't have to be. We offer a simple and user-friendly solution for accessing high-quality art services. Whether you're a game studio or an individual seeking commissioned art, we've got you covered. Choose from our three membership tiers that best suit your needs and budget. Sign up for our memberships and bring your creative ideas to life.